A.General guidelines
Abstracts must be submitted in English by August, 20th, 2024.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to presenting authors no later than September, 2nd, 2024.
Poster, oral or video presentations will be accepted. Please indicate your preferred format.
One of the authors whose abstract is accepted must register for the Congress by September, 9th, 2024. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the programme. Early bird rate will be applied to the presenting author of accepted Abstract.
Only the name of the presenting author will appear in the final congress programme.
Only one presenter per communication is permitted.
Submissions that do not comply with the established guidelines will not be considered.

B.Content of Abstracts
Abstracts must include the following sections:
Objectives: Briefly state why the study was undertaken and the main aim.
Methods: Indicate the location, number of patients, selection criteria, and the methodology of the study.
Results: Present main results, confirm or refute the hypothesis, supported by statistics if appropriate.
Conclusions: State the impact of the study for patient management or potential scientific implications. Abstracts that simply state that the results will be presented or discussed will be considered uninformative and will be rejected.

C.Submission Procedure
Authors must submit their abstracts only through the online procedure
Correspondence: All correspondence regarding the abstract will be sent to the presenting author.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reassign abstracts.

D.Abstract format
Maximum number of characters for titles (spaces included): 200
Maximum number of characters for text (spaces included): 3000
Authors: in the submission platform for each Author you will be asked to specify the required information in English and in upper/lower case (e.g., University of Padova, Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health, Padova, Italy).
Keywords: maximum 3 keywords.
The abstracts must be structured under the following headings: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS.
Bibliographical references should be included in brackets only in the text, and standardized as follows:
– Full Articles: Surname et al., 2022. Journal (abbreviated form), 11: 483-90
– Books: Authors, Year, Title, Editor, City, pages number
Tables or Figures: no Tables or Figures are admitted.
Proofreading: Proofread carefully before submission. Abstracts will not be edited.

The best Abstracts for oral presentation will be awarded by inclusions in the Congress Sessions. The best Posters will be also awarded. The best video will be awarded by the “Maurizio De Giuli” GIRCG award.